- Buyer Haseeb Panwala and Mehris Hanif
- Seller Holli Patricia Ravine
- Buyer Haseeb Panwala and Mehris Hanif
- Seller Holli Patricia Ravine
- Buyer Holli Patricia Ravine
- Seller Elizabeth Ferreira and Mauricio F. Suppi
- Buyer Elizabeth Ferreira and Mauricio F. Suppi
- Seller Marcia Ferreira and Christopher Wojcik Elizabeth Ferreira Mauricio F Suppi
- Buyer Mauricio Suppi and Elizabeth Suppi
- Seller Margaret Irving and William Crowell
- Buyer Elizabeth Ferreira and Marcia Ferreira
- Seller Elizabeth Ferreira
- Buyer Elizabeth Ferreira and Marcia Ferreira
- Seller Elizabeth Ferreira and Mauricio Suppi
- Buyer Elizabeth Ferreira
- Seller Margaret Irving and William Crowe
- Buyer Margaret Irving and William Crowell
- Seller Margaret Irving and William Crowell
- Buyer Margaret Irving
- Seller Margaret Irving and John F. X. Irving Marythea Irving
- Buyer John F. X. Irving
- Seller Horacio Gustavo Yoguel and Silvia Yoguel