- Buyer Charles Ayres
- Seller John D. Idol
- Buyer Kamyar Pahlavi (trustee)
- Seller Pari-Sima Pahlavi (trustee), Peri Dolats (trustee), Kamyar Pahlavi (trustee), Sarvenaz Pahlavi (trustee) and Dolats Peri (revocable trust)
- Buyer Kamyar Pahlavi (trustee)
- Seller Pari-Sima Pahlavi (trustee), Peri Dolats (trustee), Kamyar Pahlavi (trustee), Sarvenaz Pahlavi (trustee) and Dolats Peri (revocable trust)
- Buyer Peri Dolats (trustee) and Dolats Peri (revocable trust)
- Seller Peri Dolats
- Buyer Peri Dolats
- Seller BC Holdings Inc.