- Buyer Mehran Mehrparvar
- Seller Anna S. and James H. Kim
- Buyer Anna S Kim (and others) and James H Kim (and others)
- Seller Kathi Ghorbanian (and others) and Siavosh Ghorbanian (and others)
- Buyer Siavosh Ghorbanian
- Seller Betty Jean Willey Abel (and others), Carol S W Illey Dahl (and others) (and others), Patti Karen Willey Kaufman (and others), Patti Jo Willey Wood Moore (and others), Betty Lou Willey (Estate) (and others) (Estate), John Edward Willey (and others), Kimberly Denaee Willey (and others), Marc David Willey (and others), Michael Joseph Willey (and others) (Estate), Paul David Willey (and others) (Estate), Paul J Willey (and others), Paul Jason Willey (and others) (Estate) and Paul Jean Willey