- Buyer Angelo and Danae Petreccia
- Seller Tara M Maguire, James J. Maguire (trust) and Robert I. Friedman
- Buyer Tara M Maguire, Robert I. Friedman and James J. Maguire (trust)
- Seller Charles Loiodice
- Buyer Charles Loiodice
- Seller Carol Lynn Austin and Carol A. Schock
- Buyer Carol Lynn Austin
- Seller Carol Lynn Austin and Carol Austin Schock Steven G Schock
- Buyer Steven G Schock and Carol A. Schock
- Seller Ronald Francoeur
- Buyer Ronald Francoeur
- Seller Martin M. Shapiro and Linda C. Chase
- Buyer Martin M. Shapiro and Linda C. Chase
- Seller Ralph L. Focaracci and Teresa A. Focaracci