- Buyer Julian Hernando Burgos Pina and Karen Viviana Ovalle Hernandez
- Seller 5632 House LLC
- Buyer 5632 House LLC
- Seller Gonzalo D Morfa
- Buyer Gonzalo Daniel Morfa
- Seller Gonzalo Belen and Gonzalo Daniel Morfa and Lynn M Rousseau
- Buyer Florida Power & Light Co.
- Seller Gonzalo B. and Gonzalo D. Morfa
- Buyer Gonzalo B Morfa and Gonzalo D Morfa
- Seller OneWest Bank
- Buyer Indymac Bank
- Seller Broward County Circuit Court and Mauri Medina
- Buyer Jose Cuevas and Maury Medina
- Seller Gonzalo B Morfa
- Buyer Gonzalo B Morfa
- Seller Gonzalo Daniel Morfa
- Buyer Gonzalo B Morfa
- Seller Gonzalo Daniel Morfa