- Buyer 3021 SW 37 Terrace LLC
- Seller Joseph Ayal and Pnina Lifshitz Ayal
- Buyer Ayal] Lipshitz and Pnina Lipshitz
- Seller Ayal Lifshitz and Joseph Lifshitz
- Buyer Ayal Lifshitz and Joseph Lifshitz
- Seller Deutsche Bank National Trust Co.
- Buyer Deutsche Bank National Trust Co.
- Seller Wells Fargo Bank and Lehman Brothers Structured Asset Securities Corp.
- Buyer Wells Fargo Bank
- Seller Broward County Circuit Court and Jorge Paredes
- Buyer Jorge Paredes and Loida Castro
- Seller Jorge Paredes and Loida Castro
- Buyer Jorge Paredes
- Seller Sixto Mora and Santa M Mora