- Buyer Toni M. and David A. Leverett
- Seller Serene-Agate LLC
- Buyer Serene-Agate LLC
- Seller Keitii A. Coee and Amy L. Coee Stoner, The Keith and Stoner and Amy L. Stoner 2006 (revocable trust)
- Buyer Amy L. Coee Stoner and Keith A. Stoner and Amy L. Stoner 2006 (revocable trust)
- Seller Susan K. and Susan Ee Kohlman II, Co-Tnlstees of, Gronfeldt Irrevocabk (trust), John C. Ee Gronfeldt, Gronfeidt Irrcvocable (trust) and Parcel Two
- Buyer Serene-Agate Llc
- Seller Keith A Stoner, Amy L Stoner, and Amy L Stoner 2006 (Revocable Trust)
- Buyer Keith A Stoner and Amy L Stoner
- Seller Susan K Kohlman, John C Gronfeldt, and Gronfeldt (Irrevocable Trust)
- Buyer Susan K Kohlman (Trustee), John C Gronfeldt (Trustee), and Gronfeldt (Irrevocable Trust)
- Seller Susan K Kohlman (Trustee), John C Gronfeldt (Trustee), and William And Shirley Gronfeldt Trust
- Buyer William F Gronfeldt (Trustee), Shirley M Gronfeldt (Trustee), and William And Shirley Gronfeldt Trust
- Seller William F Gronfeldt and Shirley M Gronfeldt