Brownie Drive in Austin, TX
Street in Austin, TX
10104 Brownie Drive Austin, TX 78753
$7,453 (2016) -
10403 Brownie Drive Austin, TX 78753
$6,487 (2016) -
10100 Brownie Drive Austin, TX 78753
$6,738 (2016) -
10205 Brownie Drive Austin, TX 78753
$6,708 (2016) -
10309 Brownie Drive Austin, TX 78753
$6,436 (2016)
10001 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Minh Cong Ly
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2010)
- Property Taxes
- $10,253 (2021)
10003 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Nikhil Ajay Bachhav, Vaibhav Keshav Bhagwat and Sanket Prakash Misal
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2024)
- Property Taxes
- $9,674 (2021)
10004 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Huy V Nguyen and Ngoc L Truong
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $9,405 (2021)
10005 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- JTE Austin Properties Inc.
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2014)
- Property Taxes
- $10,178 (2021)
10006 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Bao Xuan Le
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $10,009 (2021)
10007 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Cirilo Sanchez and Sara J. Jaimes
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $9,450 (2021)
10008 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Alai and Roberto Villeda
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2018)
- Property Taxes
- $10,256 (2021)
10009 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Eloisa Z Rojas
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $9,509 (2021)
10010 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Hue Thi Nguyen
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2004)
- Property Taxes
- $10,256 (2021)
10011 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Huy Nguyen and Ngoc Truong
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2010)
- Property Taxes
- $9,595 (2021)
10100 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Alai Villeda
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2023)
- Property Taxes
- $10,407 (2021)
10101 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Daryl D Kunze
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $9,340 (2021)
10102 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Robert C. Lopez
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2002)
- Property Taxes
- $10,011 (2021)
10103 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Ngoc Truong and Huy Nguyen
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2011)
- Property Taxes
- $8,903 (2021)
10104 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Kensington Peavy LLC
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2021)
- Property Taxes
- $10,256 (2021)
10105 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Edgar A. and Viola Kunze
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $8,467 (2021)
10107 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Hy Tong
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2010)
- Property Taxes
- $9,659 (2021)
10109 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- John A. and Curly A. Davis
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $10,277 (2021)
10201 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Shawn Quang Nguyen
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2008)
- Property Taxes
- $7,330 (2021)
10202 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Tien N. and Trudy L. Le
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $8,202 (2021)
10204 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Dinh Chau
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2004)
- Property Taxes
- $9,845 (2021)
10205 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Tran Van Mai
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2023)
- Property Taxes
- $10,333 (2021)
10206 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Aroon Jham
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2016)
- Property Taxes
- $9,149 (2021)
10207 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Aseem Gupta
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2016)
- Property Taxes
- $9,381 (2021)
10208 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Cjw Holdings LLC
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2015)
- Property Taxes
- $9,425 (2021)
10209 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Irina Newbold
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2017)
- Property Taxes
- $9,461 (2021)
10210 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Andy Tong
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $9,710 (2021)
10211 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Miguel A. and Sheri L. Montano
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2005)
- Property Taxes
- $10,289 (2021)
10212 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Carey Hattic
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2016)
- Property Taxes
- $10,287 (2021)
10213 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Tinh Phan
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2013)
- Property Taxes
- $10,287 (2021)
10214 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Fabio De Souza Terezinho
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2016)
- Property Taxes
- $10,559 (2021)
10300 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Minh T Nguyen
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $10,022 (2021)
10302 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Andy Tong
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $9,705 (2021)
10303 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Joe and Ellen Goodart
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2007)
- Property Taxes
- $10,287 (2021)
10304 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Joe and Ellen Goodart
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2004)
- Property Taxes
- $7,324 (2021)
10306 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Tien Le
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $8,591 (2021)
10307 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- TT LLC (estate)
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2024)
- Property Taxes
- $10,287 (2021)
10308 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Tran H Kha
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $2,495 (2021)
10309 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Miguel Montano
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2009)
- Property Taxes
- $10,298 (2021)
10400 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Tran H Kha
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $8,380 (2021)
10401 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Franz A. Karner
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $10,034 (2021)
10402 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Franz Karner
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $9,164 (2021)
10403 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- TT LLC (estate)
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2024)
- Property Taxes
- $9,919 (2021)
10500 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Banco Popular North America
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2002)
- Property Taxes
- $7,089 (2021)
10501 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Efrain Jaimes
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2009)
- Property Taxes
- $7,021 (2021)
10502 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Socorro Zuniga
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2007)
- Property Taxes
- $1,700 (2021)
10503 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Steve Tong
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2005)
- Property Taxes
- $6,530 (2021)
10504 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Roberto Lovera
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2006)
- Property Taxes
- $3,196 (2021)
10505 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- W Leslie Long
- Purchase Price
- N/A (2001)
- Property Taxes
- $1,943 (2021)
10506 Brownie Drive, Austin, TX 78753
- Current Owners
- Frances Tijerina
- Purchase Price
- N/A
- Property Taxes
- $2,839 (2021)
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