- Buyer Rebecca D. Pash
- Seller 202311WY-03 LLC
- Buyer 202311WY-03 LLC
- Seller Anthony Earl Faria
- Buyer Anthony Earl Faria
- Seller Bunny Heath and And E. Faria Survivors S. (trust)
- Buyer & E. Faria L. S. (trustees) and Shyrl Faria (trustee)
- Seller & E. Faria L. S. (trustees), Earl Faria (trustee) and Shyrl Faria (trustee)
- Buyer Earl Faria (trustee), Shyrl Faria (trustee) and & E. Faria L. S. (trustees)
- Seller Carolyn L. Fertado (trustee) and Fertado Family Revoc (trustee)