- Buyer Eduardo D Okada Herrera and Teresa M Armas Sanchez
- Seller Eduardo D Okada Herrera, Teresa M Armas Sanchez and Eduardo D Okada Herrara
- Buyer Eduardo D Okada Herrara and Teresa M Armas Sanchez
- Seller Zillow Homes Property (trust)
- Buyer Zillow Homes Property (trust)
- Seller William Irvine and Irvine Nyuk FA Lai
- Buyer William Irvine and Nyuk Fa Lai Irvine
- Seller Bank Natl Deutsche (Co-trustee) (Trust)
- Buyer Bank Natl Deutsche (Co-trustee) (Trust)
- Seller Martha Garcia, Old Republic Natl Title Ins (Co-trustee) (Trustee) and Old Republic Default Mgmt Serv Div
- Buyer Martha Garcia
- Seller Christopher S Goldbach and Rhonda L Goldbach