- Buyer Rafael and Enrique Merlano
- Seller Rafael Merlano
- Buyer Leonidas Vittini and Luis M Hernandez
- Seller Leonidas Vittini and Luis M Hernandez
- Buyer Leonidas Vittini and Luis M Hernandez
- Seller Elvis Cruz Vittini
- Buyer Elvis Cruz Vittini
- Seller Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
- Buyer Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
- Seller BAC Home Loans Servicing LP and Countrywide Home Loans Servicing Bank of America LP
- Buyer BAC Home Loans Servicing LP and Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP
- Seller Jose Herrera and Maria Lorena Herrera Broward County Circuit Court
- Buyer Jose Herrera and Maria Lorena Herrera
- Seller Dennis Bittner and Judy Bittner
- Buyer Dennis Bittner
- Seller Home Ventures Real Group Inc. (estate)
- Buyer Home Ventures Real Group (estate)
- Seller Richard Pospisil and Roberta Pospisil