- Buyer Krista A. McAllister
- Seller Zachary D. Krempler and Lyndsey N Dipierro
- Buyer Zachary D. Krempler and Lyndsey N Dipierro
- Seller Gina Pearce
- Buyer Gina Pearce
- Seller OneWest Bank
- Buyer Indymac Bank
- Seller Elizabeth Huavil and Elisabeth Huavil Broward County Circuit Court Carlos Huavil Carlos A. Huavil
- Buyer Carlos Husvil and Elisabeth Husvil
- Seller Jody Simonds and Rudy Soto
- Buyer Jody Simonds and Rudy Soto
- Seller Susan M. Pinto and Susan M. Devivo Dominick A. Pinto (formerly known as)