- Buyer David and Jessica Perez
- Seller David and Jessica Perez and Jessica Bru
- Buyer David Perez and Jessica Bru
- Seller Federal National Mortgage and Fannie Mae
- Buyer Federal National Mortgage Association
- Seller Dahlia McDonald and Horace McDonald Broward County Circuit Court Christopher Reid Claudette Williams
- Buyer Malcolm Deramos and Keisha Deramos
- Seller Horace McDonald and Dahlia Brown Broward County Circuit Court
- Buyer Horace McDonald and Dahlia McDonald
- Seller Christopher Reid and Claudette Williams
- Buyer Christopher Reid
- Seller Linda C Pierce and Diana A. Valdes
- Buyer Linda C Pierce and Diana A. Valdes
- Seller Linda C Pierce
- Buyer Linda C Pierce
- Seller Karen Kerpen
- Buyer Karen Kerpen
- Seller Ivette Millian and Ivette Garcia Javier Milian (formerly known as)