- Buyer Yandi Eirea (living trust)
- Seller Yandi Eirea
- Buyer Yandi Eirea
- Seller Archibald and Farrah Ayana Newland
- Buyer Archibald Newland
- Seller Household Finance Corp.
- Buyer Household Finance Corp. III
- Seller Zamira Beneby and Zamira Humphries Broward County Circuit Court Garry Archbold Garry Archold
- Buyer Garry Archbold and Zamira Beneby
- Seller Garry Archbold and Garry Archord
- Buyer Garry Archord
- Seller Zamira Beneby and Zamira Humphries
- Buyer Zamira Beneby
- Seller Dilma Thyme Williams