- Buyer Daniel Lopez Ramos and Odalys Suarez Rodriguez
- Seller Carlos Manuel Nieto Olaya, Janis Garcia Perez, Ginna Paola Nieto Garcia and Felipe Godoy Troncoso
- Buyer Carlos Manuel Nieto Olaya and Ginna Paola Nieto Garcia
- Seller Frederic Polynice and Shaira Rajalingam
- Buyer Frederic Polynice and Shaira Rajalingam
- Seller Lawana S. and Eddie Neloms and Lawana Smith
- Buyer Lawana S Neloms and Lawana Smith
- Seller Louversia Parks
- Buyer Lawna S Neloms and Lawna Smith
- Seller Louversia Parks
- Buyer Donald Parks and Lawana Smith Louversia Parks
- Seller Keith M French and Barbara A. French