- Buyer Ishkanda Mahruzar
- Seller Diar Homes Corp. Inc.
- Buyer Diar Homes Corp.
- Seller Evens Clerizier and Gesner Jean and Shamantha Jean Francois
- Buyer Gesner Jean and Shamantha Jean Francois and Evens Clerizier
- Seller Laitile Jean Francois
- Buyer Laitile Jean Francois
- Seller Luckenson Auguste and Laitile Jean Francois
- Buyer Lukenson Auguste and Laitlile Jean Francois
- Seller Carl Heuett and Fatima Zahra Khallouki
- Buyer Carl Heuett and Fatima Zahra Khallouki
- Seller Idonel Dierestil and Naromie Dierestil
- Buyer Idonel Dierestil and Naromie Dierestil
- Seller Idonel Dierestil and Naromie Dierestil Edbert Dieurestil
- Buyer Naromie Dierestil and Idonel Dierestil Edbert Dieurestil
- Seller Elsa Chavez and Vilma Fotos