- Buyer Manoj Srivastava
- Seller Filo Properties Corp.
- Buyer Filo Properties Corp.
- Seller Leonard Fontana
- Buyer Leonard Fontana and Paula Fontana
- Seller Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
- Buyer Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
- Seller OneWest Bank
- Buyer OneWest Bank
- Seller Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and Indymac Federal Bank
- Buyer Indymac Bank
- Seller Armas Martha De and Armas Joseph G De Broward County Circuit Court Alvaro Solano
- Buyer Alvaro Solano and Jenny Solano Joseph G De Armas Martha De Armas
- Seller Joseph G De Armas and Martha De Armas
- Buyer Armas Martha De and Armas Joseph G De
- Seller Law Ofices of Donna Hearne PA
- Buyer Donna Hearne PA (trustee)
- Seller Sacha Jaramillo
- Buyer Sacha Jaramillo
- Seller Donna Hearne PA Law Office
- Buyer Sacha Jaramillo
- Seller Donna Hearne PA Law Office
- Buyer Donna Hearne PA Law Office and Trust #1641 (trustee)
- Seller Sacha Jaramillo
- Buyer Sacha Jaramillo
- Seller Sacha Jaramillo and Marie Daphne Isidore