- Buyer Javier Jorda Montero and Maria Eugenia Jorda Carballo
- Seller Legends at the Weston LLC
- Buyer Javier Jorda Montero and Maria Eugenia Jorda Carballo
- Seller Legends at the Weston LLC
- Buyer Legends at the Weston LLC
- Seller Abraham and Sweeney PA and Castro (family trust)
- Buyer Castro (family trust)
- Seller Misaday Castro and Isaac Castro Misaday Maneiro
- Buyer Isaac Castro and Misaday Castro
- Seller Michael Maxwell
- Buyer Isaac Castro and Misday Castro
- Seller Michael Maxwell
- Buyer Michael Maxwell
- Seller Milor Florida Inc.
- Buyer Milor Florida Inc.
- Seller Arvida/JMB Partners