- Buyer Menajem I Hadjez
- Seller Patricia N Castro and Patricia N. and Antonio Salom
- Buyer Patricia N Castro
- Seller Tania Dias and Tania Alemar
- Buyer Armando Tous
- Seller Deutsche Bnk Natl Trust Co Tru
- Buyer Deutsche Bnk Natl Trust Co Tru
- Seller Deutsche Bnk Natl Trust Co Tru
- Buyer Saide V Arturo and Bill G Ketelsen
- Seller Saide V Arturo
- Buyer Saide Arturo
- Seller Julio C Santana and Ricardo Sanchez
- Buyer Julio C Santana and Ricardo Sanchez
- Seller Lazaro H Gamon
- Buyer Lazaro H Gamon
- Seller Manuel Cabrera