- Buyer Oscar A. Roque
- Seller Prestige Brpi LLC
- Buyer Oscar Alexis Roque
- Seller Pretige Brp I LLC
- Buyer Ez 2 Rent Homes 7 Llc
- Seller Suntrust Mtg Inc
- Buyer Suntrust Mtg Inc
- Seller Federal Natl Mtg Assn
- Buyer Federal Natl Mtg Assn
- Seller Lena N Greenwood, Marcos Defrias and Fred Defrias
- Buyer Marcos Defrias, Lena N Greenwood and Fred Defrias
- Seller Citiwise Invest Grp Llc
- Buyer Citiwise Invest Grp Llc
- Seller Bnk N A Tru Lasalle
- Buyer Bnk N A Tru Lasalle
- Seller Clerk Of Circuit Ct
- Buyer Pavel Bacallao
- Seller Elso J Valle (Husband), Ada Alvarez (Wife) and Ada Valle
- Buyer Ada Valle and Elso J Valle
- Seller Elso J Valle, Ada Valle and Ada Alvarez
- Buyer Elso J Valle and Ada Alvarez
- Seller Montes Eredie DeOca (Husband) and Montes Carmen I DeOca (Wife)