- Buyer Vig Estates LLC
- Seller Brg Homes LLC
- Buyer Brg Homes LLC
- Seller Lawrence Brown and Samantha Cooper
- Buyer Samantha Cooper and Lawrence Brown
- Seller C & C Inv Chicago LLC
- Buyer C&C Inv Chicago LLC
- Seller Righteous Oaks Inc.
- Buyer Righteous Oaks Inc.
- Seller Bayview Loan Servicing LLC
- Buyer Bayview Loan Servicing LLC
- Seller Judicial Sales Corp. and Skiba
- Buyer Przemyslaw Skiba
- Seller Slawomir Wojcicki
- Buyer Slawomir Wojcicki
- Seller Chase Home Fin LLC
- Buyer Chase Home Fin LLC
- Seller Brown and Intercounty Judicial Sales Corp.
- Buyer Sylvia Brown
- Seller Ernest Maxey Jr.
- Buyer Ernest Mazey Jr. and Sylvia Brown
- Seller Robert Coleman