- Buyer Mdh Homes LLC
- Seller Morlicka Dorothy Henry
- Buyer Morlocka Henry
- Seller John Finn LLC
- Buyer John M. Finn
- Seller Profitfromrentals.com LLC - Series 20
- Buyer Profit from Rentals.com Series 20 LLC
- Seller Chicago Title Land Trust Co. (trustee)
- Buyer Chicago Title Land Trust
- Seller Kallen Realty Services Inc. and Darren Hall
- Buyer Darren Hall
- Seller Citizens Fin Services (trustee)
- Buyer Andre Brown
- Seller Housing and Urban Development
- Buyer Housing and Urban Development
- Seller Miles and Intercountry Judicial Sales Corp.
- Buyer Tamara Miles and James Clark
- Seller Robbin Pride
- Buyer Robbin Pride
- Seller Bankers Trust Co. California (trustee)
- Buyer Bankers Trust Co. CA
- Seller Veterans Affairs
- Buyer USA Veterans Affairs
- Seller Judicial Sales Corp. and Julie Hughes
- Buyer Julie and Gregory E. Hughes
- Seller Vivian R. and Robert E. Strickland and Mattie B. Davis