- Buyer Manu Mary and Alex K. Joseph
- Seller Rachel Goldstein and Olive Robert
- Buyer Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc.
- Seller Rachel Goldstein and Olive Robert
- Buyer Rachel Goldstein and Olive Robert
- Seller Olga and Igor Dolgun
- Buyer Olga and Igor Dolgun
- Seller Homesales Inc.
- Buyer Homesales Inc.
- Seller Judicial Sales Corp. and Many Man K. and Man Kyu Yang Man K.
- Buyer Man K Yang
- Seller Hyun U Kang
- Buyer Hyun U Kang
- Seller Chaie H Kang
- Buyer Chaie H Kang
- Seller Kelly Cheng
- Buyer Kelly Cheng
- Seller Audrey M. and M. Ross Brown
- Buyer M. Ross and Michele Brown
- Seller Ridd J. and A. Viola Solomon