Colley Ford Lane in Charlotte, NC

7100 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
Omar Prado Moran Wilson and Siomara Pito Ingris
Purchase Price
N/A (2005)
Property Taxes
$539 (2019)

7101 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28217

Current Owners
M Blees Thomas and J Patricia
Purchase Price
Property Taxes
$539 (2019)

7104 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
M Gonzalez and Christina
Purchase Price
$118,000 (2016)
Property Taxes
$1,962 (2019)

7105 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28217

Current Owners
M Blees Thomas and J Patricia
Purchase Price
Property Taxes
$2,059 (2019)

7108 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
Jose Arceo and Maria
Purchase Price
$135,000 (1999)
Property Taxes
$2,512 (2019)

7201 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
Thi Le and Giang
Purchase Price
$380,000 (2023)
Property Taxes
$1,994 (2019)

7209 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
S Sims and Carol
Purchase Price
Property Taxes
$1,910 (2019)

7210 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
Antonio Vega Barron and Luis
Purchase Price
N/A (2003)
Property Taxes
$1,877 (2019)

7213 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
Ovidio Ramos and Carlos
Purchase Price
N/A (2015)
Property Taxes
$1,754 (2019)

7216 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
Padilla Betancourt and Diana
Purchase Price
$117,000 (2019)
Property Taxes
$1,909 (2019)

7221 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
H Harris Jr. and Thomas
Purchase Price
Property Taxes
$1,967 (2019)

7227 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
H Cuthbertson and Curtis
Purchase Price
N/A (2000)
Property Taxes
$1,857 (2019)

7236 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
Walls and Constance
Purchase Price
N/A (2002)
Property Taxes
$1,922 (2019)

7240 Colley Ford Lane, Charlotte, NC 28273

Current Owners
S Wimberly Jacques and A. Cheryl
Purchase Price
$175,000 (2017)
Property Taxes
$1,836 (2019)
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