Coldwell Banker associate lists Near North 3BD

Medium f936c9aee80545397f4e980c734481c8 Lee Cherney has listed for sale a three-bedroom, two-bath condo at 849 N. Franklin St. in Near North for $600,000.

Cherney paid $593,500 for Unit #507 in July 2006. There are 261 units in the 15-story building at 849 N. Franklin St., which is also known as Parc Chestnut. Mr. Cherney is also the listing agent for the condo.

Mr. Cherney works as a sale associate at Coldwell Banker. He has also been co-founder and director of sales at Pied-a-Terre Living.

He holds a B.A. from the University of Denver.

According to, there were 583 condo sales in Near North in 2008, with a median sales price of $440,000.

Address: 849 North Franklin Street
Buyer(s): Lee Cherney
Seller(s): Parc Chestnut Llc
Sale date: Jul. 21, 2006

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