Boeing VP lists Seattle 4BD home

Medium a27e86f77488a5e052ec9febfdaa53c0 Ihssane and Michelle Mounir have listed for sale a four-bedroom, 2.5-bath home at 3930 S.W. Kenyon St. in Southwest Seattle for $749,900.

Sunny Elston of Windermere Real Estate/East Inc. is the listing agent. The 4,080-square-foot house was built in 2004 in the subdivision of Fauntleroy Heights.

Mr. Mounir is the vice president of sales for Latin America and Africa at Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

He joined Boeing as a senior aerodynamics engineer in 1997 and held a number of roles in product analysis and strategy, marketing analysis and international sales. He previously was a Boeing director of international sales and sales director for East and West Africa and Morocco, sales director for the British Airways account, London business director, and deputy vice president for Europe, Russia and Central Asia sales. Before that, he was a research associate and engineering lecturer at Wichita State University.

He holds a master's degree in aerospace engineering from Wichita State University.

According to, there were 715 home sales in Southwest Seattle in 2008, with a median sales price of $342,000.

Address: 3930 Southwest Kenyon Street
Buyer(s): Tushaar Sethi and Suhani Jain
Seller(s): Ihssane Mounir and Michelle Mounir
Sale date: Mar. 23, 2012

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