Communications exec buys Petworth 4BD

Medium 227e43880e3bf69e8fcc090496449a8f Stephen Hovick Padre and Sarah L. Padre bought a four-bedroom, 3.5-bath home at 3801 Seventh St. N.W. in Washington from Fetene Legesse for $461,125 on Sept. 29.

Legesse paid $340,000 for the property in June 2007. The 1,700-square-foot house was built in 1911 in the Petworth neighborhood.

Mr. Padre is communications director at Rural Community Assistance Partnership Inc., which operates as a national service delivery network providing technical assistance, training and financial resources to small rural communities.

He previously was a freelance journalist and editor; information officer at Action by Churches Together International; associate director for interpretation at Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; and assistant editor for Your Money Magazine at Customers Digest Inc.

He received his bachelor's degree in journalism from Boston University.

According to, there have been 4,187 home sales in Washington D.C. in the last 12 months, with a median sales price of $375,000.

Address: 3801 7th Street NW
Buyer(s): Sarah L Padre and Stephen Hovick Padre
Seller(s): Fetene Legesse
Sale date: Sep. 29, 2009

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