Darnestown 6BD listed for $1.319M

Medium dfbd2b796d83763a6b99c735f33ab903 Daniel D. Hanley has listed for sale a six-bedroom, six-bath at 13325 Manor Stone Drive in Darnestown for $1.319 million.

Corey Burr of Burr Residential Properties is the listing agent. The 6,121-square-foot home in Darnestown South of Darnestown Rd. was built in 1999.

Hanley is a director at EnergyPro LLC, a Potomac-based electrical engineering company.

According to BlockShopper.com, there have been 39 home sales in Darnestown during the past 12 months, with a median sales price of $795,000.

Address: 13325 Manor Stone Drive
Buyer(s): Diego F Calderon and Alicia Calderon
Seller(s): Daniel D Hanley
Sale date: Feb. 22, 2013

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