Manager of labor services provider lists Woodlands 5BD

Kelley Grady and Garland Grady have listed for sale a five-bedroom, 4.5-bath home at 1 Southgate Drive in The Woodlands for $739,000.

The Gradys acquired the 5,950-square-foot property from Myron C. Harrison and Denita Rae Harrison in June 2001. It was built in 1986 in the Village of Grogan's Mill. Cheryle Sanderson is the listing agent.

Ms. Grady is a branch manager in Denton at Labor Ready, provider of general labor, where she previously served as a DFW assistant branch manager. At Labor Ready, she has also served as a branch manager in Athens, Georgia, and in Carrollton and Sherman.

She holds a B.B.A. in business management from Southeastern Oklahoma State University.

According to, there have been 81 home sales in The Woodlands in the past 12 months.

Address: 1 Southgate Drive
Buyer(s): Kelley Grady and Garland Grady
Seller(s): Myron C Harrison, Denita Rae Harrison and Myron Crandall Harrison
Sale date: Jun. 13, 2001

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