4425 S Western Blvd LLC Purchases 4411 Western Ave., Chicago 60609

The property at 4411 Western Ave., Chicago 60609 was sold on Feb. 16, 2016 by Mitchell F. Asher, Richard S. Shapiro (trust) and James G. Bartholomew (trustee) for $1,235,000. The buyer was 4425 S Western Blvd LLC.

The amount paid for property taxes on this property in 2014 was $15,516.04, 1.26% of the sale price of the home.

This property last sold for $150,000 on July 8, 2013.

The median home sale price in 2015 in Brighton Park was $186,000. This property sold for 663.98% of the median home sale price. In the month of February, seven properties sold in Brighton Park.

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