- Buyer Phillip S. Ee and Leigh A. Ee Aurbach and Psasp (trust)
- Seller Phillip S. Ee and Leigh A. Ee Aurbach and Psasp (trust)
- Buyer Phillip S. Ee and Leigh A. Ee Aurbach and Psasp Trust the
- Seller Monica L. Swan
- Buyer Phillip S. Ee Aurbauch and Psasp Trust the
- Seller Monica L. Swan
- Buyer Monica L Swan
- Seller Valeriano Morejon, Gladys Susana Morejon, and Valeriano Morejon & Gladys Susana Morejon (Revocable Trust)
- Buyer Morejon Valeriano, Gladys Susana Morejon, and Valeriano Morejon & Gladys Susana Morejon (Revocable Trust)
- Seller Recontrust Company Na and Johnny Cano
- Buyer Johnny Cano
- Seller Elena Cano
- Buyer Oscar Cano and Elena Cano
- Seller William Lyon Homes Inc, Presley Homes, and Presley Companies The