- Buyer 2012-C Property Holdings LLC
- Seller Codilis &Amp; Stawiarski Pc (and others), Fannie Mae (and others) (and others), Federal National Mortgage Association (and others) and Melissa McLain
- Buyer Fannie Mae (and others) and Federal National Mortgage Association (and others)
- Seller Fnf Servicing Inc (and others), Freedom Mortgage Corporation (and others) (and others) and Loancare
- Buyer Freedom Mortgage Corporation
- Seller Cathy Cagle (and others), Santos Reynaldo Martinez (and others) (and others) and Martha Isabel Murillo
- Buyer Santos Reynaldo Martinez
- Seller Phuong Minh Doan (and others), Chuoc Ngo (and others) (and others) and Jamie Anh Thao Ngo
- Buyer Santos Reynaldo Martinez
- Seller Phuong Minh Doan (and others), Chuoc Ngo (and others) (and others) and Jamie Anh Thao Ngo
- Buyer Phuong Minh Doan (and others) and Chuoc Ngo (and others)
- Seller Mark G Zeringue (and others) and Monnette Zeringue (and others)