- Buyer Kies Julia and Simonyan Hayk
- Seller Crosby Kevin and Crosby Mary Lynne
- Buyer Kevin Crosby and Mary Lynne Crosby
- Seller Sarah Whitney McCoy, Whitney McCoy, Whitney Brown McCoy, Derek Indv McCoy and Atty In Fact McCoy and Derek S Indv McCoy and Atty In Fact McCoy
- Buyer Whitney McCoy, Whitney Brown McCoy, Derek McCoy and Derek S McCoy
- Seller Karen Klugiewicz and Greg Indv Agent and Amp; Atty In Fact Klugiewicz
- Buyer Greg Klugiewicz and Karen Klugiewicz
- Seller Gary L Sanders Sr and Dolly A Sanders
- Buyer Gary L Sanders Sr and Dolly A Sanders
- Seller Christopher P Fredericks and Julie A Fredericks