- Buyer Kevin Lee and Brenda Keeney
- Seller 902 Drive LLC - Series K. A. Series of Hidden Treasure Properties (estate)
- Buyer 902 Drive LLC - Series K. (estate) and Hidden Treasure Properties
- Seller Alan E. and Jennifer Carlson
- Buyer Alan E. and Jennifer Carlson
- Seller US Bank, NA, Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc., Wells Fargo Bank, NA and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Inc.
- Buyer US Bank, NA
- Seller Citicroup Global Markets Realty Corp., Wells Fargo Bank, NA and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Inc.
- Buyer Citigroup Global Markets Realty Corp.
- Seller John Latham, Jacob Willem H. Gayton and Sumijati Satiadarma